In reading “A Modest Proposal”, Jonathan Swift proposed an idea that would prevent the poverty-stricken babies to being a drain on society. He proposed of feeding these poor babies to a plump and then feeding them to rich land-owners. Swift says that babies could be sold at the age of one to meat markets which will give some money to the poor, lessen the amount of poverty, and contribute to the society economically.
This would shock most people if it was considered a real proposition but “A Modest Proposal” is a satire essay to show Swift’s anger for the lack of qualified politicians and the hypocrisy of the wealth.
The idea of eating babies is quite absurd (I prefer chicken dinners). To accept the murder of our own race would be inhumane and would turn society into a cold emotion-less society where efficiency reigns as priority.
This whole idea of eating babies reminded me of a clip of Wonder Show Zen.
This would shock most people if it was considered a real proposition but “A Modest Proposal” is a satire essay to show Swift’s anger for the lack of qualified politicians and the hypocrisy of the wealth.
The idea of eating babies is quite absurd (I prefer chicken dinners). To accept the murder of our own race would be inhumane and would turn society into a cold emotion-less society where efficiency reigns as priority.
This whole idea of eating babies reminded me of a clip of Wonder Show Zen.
“Slaves built the pyramids. Slaves build the Parthenon. Slaves built America. This is your song. Thank you slaves!”
Eating babies might be considered productive for a society as slaves were when slavery was legal. It makes one wonder if population control went really out of hand, could cannibalism actually be considered?
Eating babies might be considered productive for a society as slaves were when slavery was legal. It makes one wonder if population control went really out of hand, could cannibalism actually be considered?