Friday, October 12, 2007

Kelsy Grammer, The Villainous Phycotic Killer (Favorite Simpsons Episode).

"Chief Wiggum: Well, I'd like to help you m'am, but I'm afraid there's no law against mailing threatening letters."
My Favorite episode of The Simpsons is no doubt Cape Feare, a parody of the movie Cape Fear with specials guest Kelsy Grammer, from the hit show Frasier, voices the phycotic Side Show Bob.
This Episode was made during the 5th season and stabs the life out of my funny bone. The opening scene opens with both Bart and Lisa getting mail:
"Lisa:(excited) It's from my pen pal Anya! (Lisa reads letter, Anya's voice can be heard: "Dear Lisa, As I write this I am very sad. Our president has been overthrown and(turns into man's voice) replaced by the benevolent General Thrull. All hail Thrull and his glorious new regime! Sincerly, Little Girl." Lisa moans.) "

Bart then reads his and it informs him in blood "I'm Going To Kill You." While Bart is reading this, an episode of Itchy and Scratchy is playing while Itchy is letting a laser cut Scratchy into many pieces. Lisa luaghs, Bart doesn't. I found the contrast of death on tv and in real life intresting.

After Bart gets parinoid and expects everyone to be the killer, the whole Simpsons family figures out that it was Side Show Bob who was writing the threatening letters while finding him out of prison (from framing Krust the Clown) and in a movie theater smoking a huge cigar and laughing:

"Bart:(Pointing at Bob.) You wrote me those letters.
Marge: You awful man, stay away from my son!
Bob: Oh I'll stay away from your son alright, stay away forever.
Homer: Oh no!
Bob: Wait a minute that's no good. (Gets angered at his mistake and walks away. He then comes running back.) Wait I got a good one now! Marge say stay away from my son again."

I'm going to make this clear right now in saying that I am a big fan of Kelsy Grammer and especialy the show Frasier. I believe Kelsy Grammer does a wonderful job of being a villainous homicidal maniac. Bob gets out of prison not with reason, but with charm:

"Lawyer: What about that tattoo on your chest, doesn't it say "DIE BART DIE"?
Bob: No! That's German...for "Die Bart Die" (Courtroom laughs.)
Right board member: No one that speaks German can be a bad man."

After this, The Simpsons move to Lake Terror and change there name to the The Thompson and move to Cape Feare (which adds to the parody of the move Cape Fear). Little do they know that Bob, being crazy, is under the car while there driving. Little does he know that he is in for a bumpy ride though:

"Homer: Lousy speed bumps.(Speed bumps hit Bob in the head. Homer is drinking coffee) This coffee is too hot. (pours it outside, lands on Bob.) Hey kids wanna drive through that cactus patch?
Bart: Yeah!
Lisa: Yeah!
Bob: No.....
Homer: Two against one!(Homer drives into cactus patch with Bob still inderneath.)"

Even after the ride, while the "Thompsons" are checking out there new boat home, Bob gets up form the car, bruised and worn out, and he steps on a rake followed by tge rake hitting him in the face. He turns another direction and is hit in the face by another rake. This continues to happen over and over and over again until 9 rakes are hit. This adds humor to Bob being a phycotic killer becuase he keeps getting screwed over by wacky situations, a famous Frasier plot style.

Eventualy, Bob gets the whole family tied up except for bart. Bart gets only one last wish till he is killed:

"Bob: Well Bart, any last requests? (Walks toward Bart.)
Bart: Well,...there is one, but(Looks at distance to Springfield sign.)...Nah...
Bob: No, go on.
Bart:You have such a beautiful voice.
Bob: Guilty as charged.
Bart: Uh huh. Anyway, I was wondering if you could sing the entire score of the HMS Pinnafore.
Bob: Very well Bart. I shall send you to heaven before I send you to hell."

I love that last line there as Bob is foiled by his own image of being sophisticated. He sings the song elegantly while the boat drifts back to springfield. By the time Bob is done, there back and Chief Wiggum arrests Bob for attempted murder:

"Wiggum: Hold it right there Sideshow Bob. You're under arrest.
Bob: By Lucifer's beard! "

I also love this episode not only for it's parody of Cape Fear, but also its Parody of Kelsy Grammer's character Frasier. They make Side Show Bob into a intelectual killer who is stoped by wacky situations and two children, Lisa and Bart. It is so annoying to Bob that he can outsmart the whole Springfield Cop's but can't outsmart two kids. Yet again though, Chief Wiggum is pretty dumb:

"Bart: Take him away, boys!

Chief Wiggum: Hey I'm the chief here! Bake'em away, toys!

Lou: What'd you say chief?

Chief Wiggum: Do what the kid says..."

Bob returns in future episodes and starts a great theme in later shows. This episode was halerius and is my favorite Simpson's Episode.

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Fake Plastic Marriage (The Importance of Being Earnest)

Fabrication of reality can lead to reality. In Oscar Wilde’s “The Importance of Being Earnest” Jack Worthing, the play’s protagonist is a respectful landowner who is a sculpt image of Victorian values. He is caught into a pretense or a restriction of being of notions such as honor, respect, and responsible. This mold is supposed to be filled for conventional Victorian morality but Wilde satires this construct by using Jack to represent hypocrisy of the Victorian World. Jack fabricates an alter-ego, Earnest, to break through his Victorian image and allow himself to express himself through lies. This gets in the way though of his love for Gwendolen, a female character that represents the qualities of conventional Victorian womanhood. Gwnedolen is fixed on the name Earnest, and Jack must reconcile his two worlds to fully understand who he is and what exactly he wants.

Fate undermines Jack’s efforts with his lies catching up with him. He tried to come up with a romantic relationship but it was based on lies and he must confront those lies to Gwendolen. He even is willing to change his name and live his lie to get Gwendolyn’s hand in marriage.
At the end of the story, Jack runs into his long –lost mother, Miss Prism, and figured out that his fabricated story was true all along. I took this is Jack showing his true side and figuring out who exactly he was rather than what he was supposed to be.

This play was hilarious and showed me a theme of how being Earnest can be hypocritical and boring to ones true feelings of one’s self.