Stephen Colbert... the man has a mascot (Stephen Cobeagle The Eagle) named after him, has Captain America's indestructable shield, could probably win for president, has been offered a vice-precidency position by Republican candidate Mike Huckabee, has an ice cream named after him, made out with Jane Fonda on his show, has a whole day dedicated to him in the city of Oshawa, wrote a book, created the word "Truthiness" which was the word of the year i 2005 by the American Dialecy Society and Marriam-Webster, was voted 2006's second sexiest news anchor on maxim online, has an airplane named after him, and plays dungeons and dragons.
Stephen Colbert is the man! For a while, i was obsessed with Stephen Colbert. His right-winged ignorant character is so outragous that he doesn't just play the character, he lives it. His facebook group "1,000,000 strong for Colbert" has over 1,500,000 members. After joining this group, i really asked myself: "would i really vote for him". If he kept feeding witty and funny jokes out, i would. After reflecting this, it made me respect Stephen Colbert's character more.
I would have been voting for Colbert's satirical character on the same reasons he satires against. Check out this interview with the A.V. Club in 2006:
"AVC: It seems like you're actively cultivating a cult of personality on the show.
SC: That's exactly what those are, these are all personality shows. It doesn't matter what they're saying. Doesn't matter what the news is, it's how this person feels about the news, and how you should feel about the news. It is also the personality. I'm not playing it nearly as hard as someone like O'Reilly or [Sean] Hannity does."
SC: That's exactly what those are, these are all personality shows. It doesn't matter what they're saying. Doesn't matter what the news is, it's how this person feels about the news, and how you should feel about the news. It is also the personality. I'm not playing it nearly as hard as someone like O'Reilly or [Sean] Hannity does."
Stephen Colbert really is a living satire. He really shows me how sometimes one can forget facts or even logic and just get caught up with any high-status person with a lovable personality.